Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Dishonest Linking and Framing Essay - 2267 Words

Intellectual Property: Dishonest Linking and Framing Law should govern the deceptive and unethical practices of deep linking and framing against an authors express wishes. Deep linking refers to linking to a file deep within another Web site, bypassing the front page and any intermediate pages. Inline linking refers to referencing material on an original Web site, including but not limited to images, video, or music, so that the material appears as part of the derivative site. Framing, unless otherwise specified, refers to the use of frames to pull content from another website, possibly a competing website. Primarily, the issue of framing concerns use of content as a source, not as a mere reference for further†¦show more content†¦You can think of the prefix hyper-, in hyperlink, as a synonym for able to be clicked to initiate some action. Thus a hyper-link is a clickable active reference used to initiate an action, namely web navigation. Hypertext and image maps are examples of hyperlinks. In the context of the W eb, many often blur the distinction between link and URL, but there is an important difference between the two. One is passive information, while the other is an active element interpreted by a browser to facilitate some action. Inline linking is functionally equivalent to copying. Before the Web, copying was the only way to use images from other works. On the Web, technically this is no longer necessary. The image by itself is a reference to an external document, the image file. Other peoples work can be incorporated into other works through a mere reference. We created copyright law under the assumption copying was the only way another could use copyrighted material. I am not concerned with the fact the website did not directly copy the content it merely referenced. In using that reference, the result looks identical to the end user as if they had copied the content, and stored the pages on their own server. Just because its possible to reference such a document from another website without actually copying, does not make it right. Framing is similar to inlineShow MoreRelatedThesis on Recruitment and Selection Process15525 Words   |  63 Pagestook for it: Recruitment And Selection Process In the thesis, I have covered all the topics related to Recruitment and Selection Process. 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