Thursday, February 27, 2020

Systems in Organizations for Safety and Improvement Essay

Systems in Organizations for Safety and Improvement - Essay Example (Don Fienley). It is a fact that there is actually a medical revolution as far as medical improvements are concerned, such as fertility treatment, cancer cures, cardiac care and AIDS management are some of them to mention, on the other hand, in the United States health care system often fails to deliver on the promise of science it employs (Spear S. 79). This paper will look at some of the possible errors in this field and their remedies to prevent harm and injuries to the public. An earlier study showed that as many as 98000 people succumb to medication errors each ear in United States hospitals (Burke J). If this is the case of the health care conditions of country which leads the world in medical science, the situations in the third world can be beyond any calculations. Firstly, the medical errors include mistakes such as administering wrong dose, wrong drug or wrong time. Then, the eventualities such as misread prescription due to poor handwriting, mismanagement due to look-alike and sound-alike medicines and adverse drug reaction. Broadly, every nation and governments have made every possible step to make sure that the health care professionals are typically intelligent lot. ... The hospitals and organizations are to integrate systems to improve primary care, nursing care, medication administration and a great lot of clinical processes. All this improvements will have a direct impact on the safety, quality, efficiency, reliability and timeliness of healthcare (Spear S. 79). Improvement and understanding will only take place when the gap between the health care system and the professionals working in it will narrow. Communication Errors It is common knowledge that poor communication will lead to adverse effect and results. Unless and until all in a team becomes completely sure of the situation that must be dwelt with and work that is to be completed and who are responsible for what aspect of work, moreover, the way it should be accomplished, the chances of error will always be there. When a problem arises in between a task the best way is for everyone to work closely around the problem. 80% of errors were initiated by miscommunication, including missed communication between physicians, missing information in medical records, mishandling of patient requests and messages, inaccessible records, mislabeled specimens, misfiled or missing charts, and inadequate reminder systems (Smith Peter). Most of the communicative error will round up to one staff member's failure to inform the other staff member of a patient's condition or verbal instructions are misunderstood. Often, a subordinate is smart enough to identify the problem but bit nervous to mention it to the senior who may not give the deserved appreciation for the hard work. Lack of proper and purposeful communication often ends up in a failure to perform medical procedure properly for example placing a feeding tube into the lungs and cutting an organ

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Deaf History During Medieval Europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Deaf History During Medieval Europe - Essay Example There were only few deaf people of that period, they were famous, successfully, well educated for those times, some of them inherited titles of their ancestors despite their "disease", and some of them had strong positions in society, they took part in political life of their countries. It was only the one side of this problem. The following problem of medieval deaf people were in association of them with evil, witchcraft, and even the Devil. Children born with deafdisabilities were often perceived as the consequence of their mothers' support for satanic beliefs, illustrating both the ableist and patriarchal values of the era. However, it is also the case that under feudalism, deafdisabled people were generally able to make a contribution, in varying degrees, to a largely rural production process. If disabled people were hospitalized, it was in relatively small medieval hospitals where the focus was on palliative care rather than a cure. Such attitudes to deafdisabled people can be explained by the role... The church and feudal orders were meant to reflect heaven on earth - obedience to God via one's superiors: children obeyed their parents, their parents were their lord's vassals and had to obey him, the lord was the king's vassal, laymen obeyed the clergy, monks obeyed their abbot, clergy and laymen obeyed bishops who themselves were feudal lords, bishops and kings obeyed the Pope-at least in theory. Originality and creativity had to await a commission from the church or a lord, otherwise it was anathema. The church had created itself as a reborn "Imperium Romanum" with the Pope as its emperor and Latin as its language. And Church concidered that disabled people, and deaf ones too, were marked by Evil, by Demon. So, that was the thinking that people had: if you were different you were somehow marked. It is also important to say about the extention of the idea that Christ healed the disabled, so if you were disabled Christ did not favor you.The church alsoused this fear of disabilitie s as a threat to join the church or sickness and disabilities would affect you. Thus they hadtoconvince the people thatthose who were disabled or diseased must not be good Christians. The Church had such influence because medicine and science were in their infancy. Since the Church forbid dissection on humans, scienceandmedicine never really grew. People followed mostly a cause and effect approach. But to the end of Medieval period the attitudes to such people became to change, because among them there were very intelligent and talented people. What was the Hearing peoples view of Deaf during this period The industrial system of those times included weaving and artusaning. This required workers to complete tasks in accordance with