Sunday, December 29, 2019

Native Americans Pontiac, Red Jacket Essay - 1175 Words

We are going to take a look at Three Native Americans Pontiac, Red Jacket, and Tecumseh to see what the relation are with the white men. We are going to see how they gave to the white men and how the white men took from the Indians. Pontiac was an Ottawa Indian; Ottawa derives from the Algonquian atawewin, meaning â€Å"commerce† or â€Å"to trade†. There’s Indians were one of the first to deal with the white men and were told many times to stay away but relied on trades and other things from the white men. Pontiac was allies with the French with trade and other things until about 1762 when the British defeated the French at Fort Detroit. â€Å"Sir Jeffrey Amherst, Commander in chief of British forces in North America, turned command of Detroit†¦show more content†¦The Indians were being taken over by the white men and didn’t want to give up all they had so just like today we fight about it. There were a lot of religious beliefs tossed aroun d. â€Å"Quite simply, the notion white the ways of white Christians may be fine for them; they are not necessarily equally for non-white indigenous peoples who have their own religious beliefs†. The Tecumseh believes they all belong to one family, that they are all children of a Great Spirit. They all work together on the same path share the same pipe at the fire. I think they also believed they would become friend with the white men but again the white men sucks them dry of anything and everything they can. â€Å"Brothers we all belong to one family; we are all children of the Great Spirit; we walk in the same path; slake our thirst at the same spring; and now affairs of the greatest concern lead us to smoke the pipe around the same council fire! I think in this part of the speech they were telling how they were befriending the white men. â€Å"Brothers, -We are friends; we must assist each other to bear our burdens. The blood of many of our fathers and brothers has run l ike water on the ground, to satisfy the avarice of the white men. We, ourselves, are threatened with a great evil; nothing will pacify them but the destruction of all the red men.† This part of the speech show how they need to come together and not let anymore blood go on the ground to satisfy the white men.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Journals Ch. 1-4 - 2464 Words

Journals Ch. 1-4 Chapter 1 Pg. 8 Would you describe yourself as a multiracial, or do you see yourself as belonging to a single race? Why? I consider myself multiracial. I come from a Hispanic culture but after living in Miami for so many years, and being surrounded by such a cultural landscape I have also adopted into the American culture. I am also white. Pg. 12 Have you or any member of your family ever encountered a glass ceiling? Explain. Luckily no one in my family has encountered a glass ceiling; they all work for diverse and accepting companies. Pg. 14 As you read the following scenarios that represent a range of reaction (Cultural Cruise Control, Beginning Adjustments, and Fine tuning), with whom do you most†¦show more content†¦42 If someone were to write your life history, what would we learn about the relationship between expectations and academic success? You would learn about my ability to deal effectively with barriers. I consider that expectations if not dealt with them properly could get in the way of your academic success. I am a huge believer in the quote, â€Å"no expectations, no disappointments.† I do not let my own expectations or my parents expectations get in the way of my academic success, so I just study to the best of my ability and when the test’s score returns I’d know no matter what I get I did my best. Pg. 43 When you find yourself in a cultural environment outside of your own, how do you know when to adjust and when to resist? I have been applying to my life transculturation since I moved to Miami, I learned to adjust to the new culture around me and I even adopted some of the new culture believes in to my life. It is safe to say that when you’re at work or school transculturation plays a huge role but once you’re not there you can resist to any cultural believes that you do not agree with. Pg. 47 Select one organization of which you are a member. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

How To Improve Student Learning Education Essay Free Essays

string(27) " and advance class battle\." Recently, the subject of how to better pupil acquisition has been of considerable involvement in the administrative and academic community. There is besides considerable treatment about the importance of assignments, prep, quizzes, and trials as it relates to student acquisition ( Smith, Zsidisin, A ; Adams 2005 ) . This concern for assignments, quizzes, trials, and how to guarantee pupils are maximising their authorship, is the foundation for this survey. We will write a custom essay sample on How To Improve Student Learning Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now For many parents, pedagogues, and teachers, frequent quizzes are an seemingly infallible prescription for bettering pupil public presentation ( Finn A ; Achilles 2003 ) . As Hughes ( 2003 ) states that the consequence of proving on instruction and acquisition is known as a wash back consequence ; and it can be harmful or good. If a trial is regarded as of import and the bets are high, readying for it can rule all instruction and acquisition activities. Furthermore, he noted that wash back can be viewed as portion of something more general- the impact of appraisal. The impact in educational measuring is non limited to the consequence of appraisal on acquisition and instruction but extends to the manner in which assessment affects society as a whole. Celce-Murcia ( 2001 ) asserted that the ability to show thoughts in composing in a 2nd or foreign linguistic communication and to make with sensible coherency and truth is a major accomplishment. So this paper addresses the impact of constructed- response and selected- response quizzes as scheme for advancing pupil composing accomplishments. University teachers confine themselves largely to multiple- pick or selected- response trial as a concluding scrutiny for the interest of objectiveness ( Brown 2001 ) . That is, the function of frequent disposal of constructed- response quizzes in which the pupil must supply the correct reply, whether in a word, sentence, or try signifier and selected- response quizzes is someway neglected in universities. It might be that fixing selected- response and constructed- response quizzes is more demanding on teachers, need strict marking, and evaluation and administrating of these trials might every bit will be more hard, clip consuming, and debatable. But constructed- response quizzes in which pupils ‘ responses consist of the production of linguistic communication sample may be helpful to EFL productive public presentation. As research workers such as Mirhassani A ; Rahimipour ( 2003 ) claim that about all Persian teachers confine themselves to mid-term and concluding scrutinies and all classroom- based trials in our state ( Iran ) are based largely on distinct point points. Besides the consequences of surveies such as Gary ( 1972 ) and Arrasmith, Sheehan A ; Applebaum ( 1984 ) reenforce the demand for farther research in the function of proving in measuring and advancing pupils larning and believing. So the chief consideration in this research will be whether the perennial disposal of quizzes affects the abilities of Persian EFL scholars ‘ public presentation and particularly their formal organisation in general authorship accomplishments. Reappraisal of Literature Interest in how to better pupil acquisition is non new. It is a cosmopolitan concern among parents, pedagogues, teachers, and decision makers of educational establishments. It is by and large assumed that quizzes and trials are a requirement for a successful completion of class plants. In pattern, co-worker and university teachers list regulations and guidelines related to quizzes and trials outlooks for pupils ( Felix 2005 ) . He considers quizzes and trials to be the pupil ‘s duty and he/she is expected to take all quizzes, trials, and complete all assignments. Geist A ; Soehren ( 1997 ) besides investigated the effects of frequent quizzes on dental pupil public presentation in a class on introductory radiology. Consequences indicated that the group with frequent quizzes performs significantly better on mid-term and concluding scrutinies than the control group. In relation to the surveies of frequent quizzing and public presentation, they conclude that frequent quizzes had a good and important influence on pupil public presentation and claim that the positive effects on public presentation increased as quizzes increased. Therefore, they further found that the positive affair for academic public presentation, and learning had an influential independent consequence on acquisition. Freilich ( 1989 ) examined the impacts of frequent testing on pupil public presentation in a general chemical science class. He found that quizzes were a determiner of pupil public presentation. These surveies clearly suggest there is added value to pupils who take quizzes. If pupils who take quizzes outperform those who experienced no quizzes, it seems sensible to reason that something is happening as a consequence of pupils who were exposed to test. Therefore, the research workers hypothesized that pupils with hebdomadal quizzes, non merely execute better on trials but besides learn more. Gary ( 1972 ) in relation to the consequence of frequent quizzes disposal on illative thought made a research with indiscriminately selected groups. The first group took eight hebdomadal quizzes necessitating pupils to remember declared facts while the 2nd group took hebdomadally quizzes necessitating pupils to pull illations about political involvements of several spiritual, economic, and geographic groups. Four trials were administered at the terminal of this intervention period. Consequence showed that frequent quizzes disposal affect significantly the scholars ‘ public presentation. Study of Tuckman ( 2008 ) shows that frequent proving provides incentive motives. Frequently tried pupils outperform other pupils on scrutinies. He mentions that what it might be drove a pupil to acquire information into long- term memory are trials. Trials motivate pupils because they create the chance or necessity to accomplish success or avoid failure. In that manner, trials provide an inducement to larn and they are a beginning of incentive motive. The overall consequences clearly showed that the frequent trials enhanced motive for pupils who have typically performed ill to acquire content into long- term memory instead than simply aiming for them what to analyze. Weekly, in-class quizzes are based on some proving specializer such as Ruscio ( 2001 ) and Wilder, Flood A ; Stomsnes ( 2001 ) have been associated with positive larning outcomes including increased pupil accomplishment attending, and assurance. Their survey shows that frequent quizzes reportedly maintain pupil survey attempt and advance class battle. You read "How To Improve Student Learning Education Essay" in category "Essay examples" The research literature, nevertheless, does non nem con back up the achievement benefits of quizzes. For illustration, Haberyan ( 2003 ) provided two subdivisions of general biological science pupils with hebdomadal in- category quizzes ; two tantamount subdivisions did non entree quizzes. Although pupils rated the quizzes favourably and believed that they were helpful in fixing for in- category scrutiny, there were no important accomplishment differences across subdivisions. Kluger A ; Denisi ( 1997 ) conducted a meta- analysis on feedback interce ssions, including quizzes, and concluded that such feedback does non ever heighten learner public presentation and may, in some instances, have damaging effects. Bryan ( 1998 ) conducted a research on factors lending to a decrease in race based subgroup differences on a constructed- response paper and pencil trial of accomplishment. Consequences showed that the constructed- response trial format may be a feasible option to the traditional multiple- pick format in predicators of occupation public presentation and at the same time cut down subgroup differences and subsequent inauspicious impact on trials of cognition, accomplishment, ability, and accomplishment. However, extra research is needed to further show the rightness of the constructed- response format as an option to traditional testing methods. Chowdhury, Al-share A ; Miller ( 2005 ) express that in an epoch characterized by speed uping technological alteration, increasing economic uncertainness, low pupil accomplishment, and turning demand for answerability, educational establishments are challenged to fix pupils to work successfully in their chosen callings in the universe. They believe hebdomadal quizzes and their reappraisals, it is easier for an teacher to cognize earlier on how good the pupils understand each talk or construct and that is best larning when the teacher actively engages or involves pupils to larn by making the quizzes. In mensurating composing abilities Harris ( 1996 ) discussed that, examiner may be sensitive to grammatical forms appropriate to the written accomplishment and we know that many pupils may neglect to utilize such forms. Therefore, if our trial is to hold relevancy and cogency it should incorporate the sorts of formal grammatical points by which the pupils will later be judged in real- life state of affairs. Such sort of formal organisational forms that might include in our trials of composing accomplishments are subject- verb understanding, structural correspondence, comparing of adjectives, formation of adverbs, formation of irregular verbs, and so forth. Therefore, with respect to larning benefits of quizzes, research findings have been contradictory and therefore inconclusive. Brothen A ; Wambach ( 2001 ) , describe a developmental psychological science class in which pupils had entree to computerise quizzes as tools to fix for proctored scrutinies. Their consequences indicated that passing more clip taking quizzes and taking them more times was related to hapless exam public presentation. They province that a possible account for this consequence is that pupils used the text edition to reply quiz points and mistakenly interpreted high quiz tonss as declarative mood of content command. Grabe A ; Sigler ( 2001 ) , on the other manus, provided pupils with four online survey tools ; multiple- pick pattern trial points, short reply pattern trial points, talk notes, and text edition notes. Students often accessed multiple- pick pattern trial points ; no information was provided on the usage of short reply inquiries because really few pupils made usage of this resource. Students who made usage of the tools academically outperformed those who did non. Mirhassani and Rahimipour ( 2003 ) studied the relationship between quiz, frequence of disposal, and Persian EFL scholars ‘ public presentation on summational accomplishment trials. Their survey showed that completion quizzes with 10 times frequence of disposal work better with the betterment of Persian EFL scholars ‘ public presentation on summational accomplishment trials. They stated that the more pupils receive quizzes on the content of the book taught, the more they learn the stuffs taught in deepness. Methodology 1. Participants The survey is conducted at Islamic Azad university of Dehloran. Sixty male and female pupils within the age scope of 18 to 20 took portion in this research. They were chosen among sophomore pupils based on non- random convenient trying method. They all major in package computing machine technology and were all native talkers of Persian. To guarantee whether the participants were homogenous, a linguistic communication proficiency trial ( Fowler A ; Coe 1976 ) was administered as a pre- trial. Then, the pupils were indiscriminately divided into two groups, and each group included 30 pupils. 2. Instrumentality Three instruments were used in this survey. Their dependability coefficients were estimated based on KR- 21 expression. The first instrument was a general linguistic communication proficiency trial ( Fowler A ; Coe 1976 ) in order to happen out lingual abilities of participants. Its ‘ dependability coefficient was calculated by KR-21 expression as ( r= .79 ) . The 2nd 1 was 10 quizzes of constructed- response points as intervention in the survey. Last 1s, was a parallel validated summational accomplishment trial administered as a post- trial in order to look into out the effects of the research variable. 3. Procedure At the beginning, a general linguistic communication proficiency trial ( Appendix A ) was given to 115 package computing machine technology pupils ( i.e. , 48 males and 67 females in Islamic Azad university of Dehloran ) who were invited to take this trial as a pre- trial in this survey. This trial included 50 multiple-choice points which was adapted by the research worker in conformity with an reliable testing book written by Fowler and Coe ( 1976 ) . After roll uping informations, the responses of participants were analyzed. Then 60 pupils whose public presentation ranged from one standard divergence above and one below the mean were chosen for this survey. Over a 12 hebdomad period, a autumn semester in 2008, the first group received constructed- response quizzes, and the control group served as the control group to formalize this survey. Over all, experimental group received ten quizzes which lasted about 10-15 proceedingss, during 10 hebdomads. The first hebdomad was spent on the account of process and besides participants were asked to go to and take a linguistic communication proficiency trial ( Fowler A ; Coe 1976 ) . From the 2nd hebdomad till the terminal of the term the participants took hebdomadal quizzes. Following each subdivision, pupils ‘ quizzes were collected and graded by the research worker, and they were informed that the norm of their classs on these quizzes of general English book would number toward their concluding class every bit much as one of the major class scrutinies. At the terminal of the term, participants were given a parallel summational achievement trial in order to mensurate the grade of the lin guistic communication scholars ‘ success in the formal organisation in general authorship accomplishments. Datas Analysis At the beginning, the pupils ‘ tonss on pre- trial were obtained so descriptive statistics, mean and standard divergence of each group, were calculated. Consequences indicated that the agencies for these groups were similar. Table 1 is a study of pre- trial which was administered as the homogeneousness trial. The mean scores showed that the groups did non much differ in relation to their background cognition. The low criterion divergence signifies that the pupils ‘ public presentations were really near to each other. In other words, their average tonss showed no important differences. Table 1. Descriptive statistics of pre- trial Groups Nitrogen Minimum Maximum Mean South dakota Control 30 2 7 4.8333 1.5264 Constructed 30 2 7 4.5000 1.6552 Entire 60 2 7 4.6666 1.5908 At the terminal of the term, a parallel summational achievement trial was administered to the pupils. Table 2 shows the post- trial consequences descriptively. Table 2. Descriptive statistics of post- trial Groups Nitrogen Minimum Maximum Mean South dakota Control 30 2 9 5.7333 2.1642 Constructed 30 10 17 13.1666 1.8000 Entire 60 6 13 9.4499 1.9821 Consequences showed that the pupils ‘ public presentation in the concluding scrutinies were drastically different. Therefore, their average tonss were significantly different comparing to each other. Table 3 compares the public presentation of the groups by T-test. Table 3. T-test for the control and constructed groups Groups Nitrogen Mean df t-obs 2-tails sog. Control 30 5.7333 58 14.4580 .05 Constructed 30 13.1666 This tabular array indicates that the difference is important at.05 alpha degrees. It can be claimed that frequent quizzes disposal, as Ballard and Johnson ( 2004 ) claim, better pupils ‘ public presentation. On all steps of composing achievement pupils who received 10 times constructed- response quizzes outperformed pupils who did n’t have this survey tool. Discussion The consequences of the survey made it clear that taking constructed- response quiz leads to better scholars ‘ composing public presentation. This survey provides grounds that module will probably draw a bead on their pupils to take hebdomadal constructed- response quizzes. Therefore, the research worker can claim that frequent constructed- response quizzes better the formal organisation in general authorship accomplishments. The consequence of this survey confirmed our anticipation that pupils who took hebdomadally constructed- response quizzes would demo better keeping of grammatical forms than would pupils who were non engaged in the hebdomadal graded constructed- response quizzes. The consequences of this survey revealed that hebdomadal quizzes can hold a greater impact than antecedently found by Derouza A ; Fleming ( 2003 ) and Haberyan ( 2003 ) . They studied scientific discipline pupils while the sample in this survey was drawn from package computing machine technology pupils. They found that pupils ‘ public presentation was non strongly impacted while the research worker found significantly better public presentation. More surveies with different population majoring in other Fieldss of survey are needed to better our apprehension of how pupil ‘s public presentation is impacted by hebdomadal quizzes, for case, classs in physical scientific disciplines. These findings clearly suggest that hebdomadal quizzing ( constructed- response ) is of import in larning English authorship accomplishments. In pre- intermediate degree, as Harris ( 1996 ) claims, composing exercisings should by and large be used merely to reenforce the acquisition of specific grammatical points or lexical points. Teachers ‘ experiences showed that EFL scholars by and large have deficient cognition of English composing accomplishments in pre- intermediate degree. This has prompted us and other research workers like Baker ( 1989 ) and Werner ( 1993 ) to stress the importance of constructed- response quizzes alternatively of other survey tools and to place constructed- response quiz as the most effectual instrument to utilize because tapped on composing accomplishments of pupils. The betterment among the composing abilities of participants were striking where they took constructed- response quizzes. Decision Based on the statistics done, it can be concluded that repeated constructed- response quizzes receives the first precedence. Therefore, there was a important difference between the Hagiographas ‘ public presentation of the group who received 10 times constructed- response quizzes and the group who did n’t have any quizzes. The findings indicated that constructed- response quizzes can be used for advancing different accomplishments and constituent of linguistic communication acquisition ; hence, trial interior decorators should take constructed- response quizzes. The findings of the present survey gave empirical support to this position. This, as a rule of linguistic communication usage, is didactically cardinal in the instruction and testing of linguistic communication acquisition and needs to be taken in to account in the design of suited instructional stuffs and in the methodological analysis of schoolroom instruction. Pedagogical Deductions Based on the research findings, this survey gives the undermentioned deductions and suggestions to EFL scholars and teachers that may be helpful in developing EFL linguistic communication acquisition, instruction, and proving. Teachers have got to supply pupils with appropriate feedback. Repeated disposal of quizzes may pave the manner for better acquisition, actuate the pupils to larn, supply adequate feedback for the pupils, and find the weak and strong points of pupils. All these can stop in long- term keeping of the stuffs taught and prevent the pupils from inquiring for their scrutiny. Though many of the surveies should be regarded as plants in advancement instead than concluding surveies, this survey does efficaciously foreground some of the complexnesss involved in current quiz research. By so we should be seeing new coevals of wash dorsum surveies which are progressively sophisticated and refined. How to cite How To Improve Student Learning Education Essay, Essay examples